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Antonio García Villarán

Candlelight V

Candlelight V

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This work is an author's proof of a woodcut and is a self-portrait.

I remember that at that time I wanted to understand this very interesting language of wood engraving and I discovered that very powerful images could be achieved using chiaroscuro.

To do this I posed naturally, with a lit candle illuminating my face.

I had in mind Goya's black paintings, tenebrism, and images from German expressionist prints. I used the grain of the wood to capture that moment of the night when the sun is about to rise.

The candle symbolizes hope.

Author's proof

Technique: Woodcut and chine-collé

Support: Fabriano paper

Measurements: 38 x 28.5 cm.

Date of completion: 1996


Avoid direct sunlight. Preferably place in a cool, dry place.

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