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antonio garcia villaran

The Virgin of the Water. Allegory XXXII.

The Virgin of the Water. Allegory XXXII.

Regular price €14,640.00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €14,640.00 EUR
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“The Virgin of Water” is part of the series of Virgins that Antonio García Villarán has been painting for years. It is the third one he has done and together with “The Virgin of María Luisa” and “The Virgin of Fire” they form a triad in which elements such as earth, fire and water are the true protagonists. This figure is under the ocean surrounded by imaginary corals, impossible algae that serve as a crown and remains of branches that at her feet recall the half moon that is one of the symbols of the representations of the immaculate in the history of art. A strong light comes from above and illuminates this romantic skeleton that, like its predecessors, has a blindfold on. The painting has very pronounced impastos and if we look closely at some of its corners it will seem as if we are looking at an abstract work. The plasticity, transparency and fluidity of water are represented here in such a way that it seems to soak us when we stand in front of this new icon.

Technique: Oil

Support: Canvas

Measurements: 195 X 130 cm

Date of completion: July 2023


Avoid direct sunlight. Preferably place in a cool, dry place.

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