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antonio garcía villarán

The Ascension of Saint Anthony

The Ascension of Saint Anthony

Regular price €12,776.00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €12,776.00 EUR
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This work is inspired by Michelangelo's “Temptation of Saint Anthony” in which demons try to unbalance the saint once he begins to levitate because he believes himself free of sin. The demons remind Saint Anthony of all the sins he has committed in life to make him see that he is not pure, but at the moment when he is about to lose his balance, some angels come down from heaven and remind him that he is no longer who he was, he is what he is now. Thus Saint Anthony manages to come back down to earth without falling and continue his life. The demons shown in this work are those that torment Antonio García Villarán, and they have different forms, some even taken from his older works.

Technique: Oil

Support: Canvas

Dimensions: 195 x 130 cm

Date of completion: December 2021


Avoid direct sunlight. Preferably place in a cool, dry place.

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